Full list of publications is available here.
Book: Lawless: the secret rules that govern our digital lives (Cambridge Uni Press, 2019)
Lawless is about the power that technology companies have over our lives and how we can develop a new constitutionalism to better protect our rights.
Full PDF version now available for free! Or: Cambridge Core, Booktopia, Book despository, Amazon.
Platform governance and intermediary liability
Suzor, Nicolas, Myers West, Sarah, Quodling, Andrew, & York, Jillian (2019) What do we mean when we talk about transparency? Towards meaningful transparency in commercial content moderation. International Journal of Communication, 13, pp. 1526-1543.
Suzor, Nicolas, Dragiewicz, Molly, Harris, Bridget, Gillett, Rosalie, Burgess, Jean, & Van Geelen, Tess (2019) Human rights by design: The responsibilities of social media platforms to address gender-based violence online. Policy and Internet, 11(1), pp. 54-103.
Flew, Terry, Martin, Fiona, & Suzor, Nicolas (2019) Internet regulation as media policy: Rethinking the question of digital communication platform governance. Journal of Digital Media and Policy, 10(1), pp. 33-50.
Witt, Alice Elizabeth Amelia, Suzor, Nicolas, & Huggins, Anna (2019) The rule of law on Instagram: An evaluation of the moderation of images depicting women’s bodies. The University of New South Wales law journal, 42(2), pp. 557-596.
Suzor, Nicolas (2018) Digital constitutionalism: Using the rule of law to evaluate the legitimacy of governance by platforms. Social Media + Society, 4(3), pp. 1-11.
Duguay, Stefanie, Burgess, Jean, & Suzor, Nicolas (2018) Queer women’s experiences of patchwork platform governance on Tinder, Instagram, and Vine. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(2), pp. 237-252.
Suzor, Nicolas, Van Geelen, Tess, & Myers West, Sarah (2018) Evaluating the legitimacy of platform governance: A review of research and a shared research agenda. International Communication Gazette, 80(4), pp. 385-400.
Flew, Terry & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2018) Global media industries and media policy. In Deuze, Mark & Prenger, Mirjam (Eds.) Making Media. Amsterdam University Press, The Netherlands, pp. 163-174
Pappalardo, Kylie M. & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2018) The liability of Australian online intermediaries. Sydney Law Review. 40(4), pp. 469-498.
Dragiewicz, Molly, Burgess, Jean, Matamoros-Fernandez, Ariadna, Salter, Michael, Suzor, Nicolas P., Woodlock, Delanie, et al. (2018) Technology facilitated coercive control: Domestic violence and the competing roles of digital media platforms. Feminist Media Studies, 18(4), pp. 609-625.
Mann, Monique, Daly, Angela, Wilson, Michael, & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2018) The limits of (digital) constitutionalism: Exploring the privacy-security (im)balance in Australia. International Communication Gazette. (In Press)
Suzor, Nicolas P., Seignior, Bryony, & Singleton, Jennifer (2017) Non-consensual porn and the responsibilities of online intermediaries. Melbourne University Law Review, 40(3), pp. 1057-1097.
Suzor, Nicolas P. & Woodford, Darryl (2013) Evaluating consent and legitimacy amongst shifting community norms : an EVE Online case study. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 6(3), pp. 1-14.
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2012) Order supported by law : the enforcement of norms in virtual communities. Mercer Law Review, 63(2), pp. 523-595.
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2010) The role of the rule of law in virtual communities. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 25(4), pp. 1818-1886.
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2009) On the (partially) inalienable rights of participants in virtual communities. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy, 130, pp. 90-101.
Digital copyright, open access, and the commons
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2014) Free-riding, cooperation, and ‘peaceful revolutions’ in copyright. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 28(1), pp. 138-193.
Aufderheide, Patricia, Pappalardo, Kylie, Suzor, Nicolas, & Stevens, Jessica (2018) Calculating the consequences of narrow Australian copyright exceptions: Measurable, hidden and incalculable costs to creators. Poetics. (In Press)
Zardo, Pauline, Barnett, Adrian G., Suzor, Nicolas P., & Cahill, Tim (2018) Does engagement predict research use? An analysis of The Conversation Annual Survey 2016. PLOS ONE, 13(2), e0192290-e0192290.
Elmahjub, Ezieddin & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2017) Fair use and fairness in copyright: A distributive justice perspective on users’ rights. Monash University Law Review, 43(1), pp. 274-298.
Suzor, Nicolas P., Choi, Rachel, & Pappalardo, Kylie M. (2016) Moments of flux in intermediary liability for copyright infringement. In Perry, Mark (Ed.) Intellectual Property Governance for the 21st Century: Global Evolution. Springer, pp. 129-149.
Dootson, Paula & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2015) The game of clones and the Australia tax : divergent views about copyright business models and the willingness of Australian consumers to infringe. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 38(1), pp. 206-239.
Hunter, Dan & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2015) Claiming the moral high ground in the copyright wars. In McGuinness, Phillipa (Ed.) _Copyfight : Firing Up Conversation about Copyright. NewSouth Publishing, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 131-145.
Harpur, Paul & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2014) The paradigm shift in realising the right to read : how ebook libraries are enabling in the university sector. Disability and Society, 29(10), pp. 1658-1671.
Flew, Terry, Suzor, Nicolas P., & Liu, Bonnie Rui (2013) Copyrights and copyfights : copyright law and the digital economy. International Journal of Technology Policy and Law, 1(3), pp. 297-315.
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2013) Access, progress, and fairness : rethinking exclusivity in copyright. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law, 15(2), pp. 297-342.
Harpur, Paul D. & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2013) Copyright protections and disability rights : turning the page to a new international paradigm. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 36(3), pp. 745-778.
Summer, Rene, Suzor, Nicolas P., & Fair, Patrick (2011) Copyright enforcement in the networked society : guiding principles for protecting copyright. Ericsson.
Suzor, Nicolas P. & Fitzgerald, Brian F. (2011) The legitimacy of graduated response schemes in copyright law. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 34(1), pp. 1-40.
Suzor, Nicolas P., Fitzgerald, Brian F., & Perry, Mark (2011) Free software as a democratic principle. In Perry, Mark & Fitzgerald, Brian F. (Eds.) Knowledge Policy for the Twenty-First Century : A Legal Perspective. Irwin Law, Toronto, ON, pp. 17-28.
Pappalardo, Kylie M. & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2011) Standardisation and patent ambush : potential liability under Australian competition law. Competition & Consumer Law Journal, 18, p. 267.
Suzor, Nicolas P., Harpur, Paul D., & Thampapillai, Dilan (2008) Digital copyright and disability discrimination: From braille books to bookshare. Media & Arts Law Review, 13(1), p. 1.
Suzor, Nicolas (2008) Where the bloody hell does parody fit in Australian copyright law? Media and Arts Law Review, 13(2), pp. 218-248.
Suzor, Nicolas P. & Fitzgerald, Brian F. (2007) The role of open content licences in building open content communities : Creative Commons, GFDL and other licences. In Kapitzke, Cushla & Peters, Michael A. (Eds.) Global knowledge cultures. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 145-159.
Fitzgerald, Brian F. & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2005) Legal issues for the use of free and open source software in government. Melbourne University Law Review, 29(2), pp. 412-447.
Humphreys, Sal, Fitzgerald, Brian F., Banks, John A., & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2005) Fan based production for computer games: User led innovation, the ‘drift of value’ and the negotiation of intellectual property rights. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, pp. 16-29.
Suzor, Nicolas P. (2004) Privacy v IP Litigation : preliminary third party discovery on the Internet. Australian Bar Review, 25, p. 227.
Bassett, Graham & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2004) Recent developments. In Fitzgerald, Brian F. & Bassett, Graham D. (Eds.) Legal Issues Relating to Free and Open Source Software. QUT Press, Brisbane, QLD, pp. 121-124.
Regulation, technology, and society
Hews, Rachel & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2017) ‘Scum of the Earth’: An Analysis of Prejudicial Twitter Conversations During The Baden-Clay Murder Trial. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 40(4), pp. 1604-1633.
Suzor, Nicolas P., Pappalardo, Kylie M., & McIntosh, Natalie (2017) The passage of Australia’s data retention regime: National security, human rights, and media scrutiny. Internet Policy Review, 6(1).
Guihot, Michael, Matthew, Anne F., & Suzor, Nicolas P. (2017) Nudging robots: Innovative solutions to regulate artificial intelligence. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law, 20(2), pp. 385-456.
Witt, Alice, Suzor, Nicolas P., & Wikstrom, Patrik (2015) Regulating ride-sharing in the peer economy. Communication Research & Practice, 1(2), pp. 174-190.